New paper in press in the Structural Equation Modeling journal
Roman, Z. J., Schmidt, P., Miller, J. M., & Brandt, H. (In press). Identifying dynamic
shifts to non -compliant behavior in questionnaire responses; A novel approach and experimental
validation. Structural Equation Modeling.
Research Positions
Ambizione Fellow (Starts 09.2024)
Funds Awarded: 931,224 USD
Department of Informatics
Social Computing Group
University of Zurich

Postdoctoral Researcher (2023-2024)
Department of Informatics
Social Computing Group University of Zurich Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aniko Hannak

Affiliated Researcher (2020-2024) Quantitative Methods of Intervention & Evaluation University of Zurich Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Holger Brandt

Postdoctoral Researcher (2020-2023) Quantitative Methods of Intervention & Evaluation University of Zurich Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Holger Brandt

Graduate Researcher (2016-2019) Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis (CRMDA)
University of Kansas

Ph.D. Quantitative Psychology December 2019
Doctoral Minor: Computer Science
Advisor: Holger Brandt Ph.D.

M.S. Quantitative Psychology
December 2016
Advisor: Matthew Hesson-McInnis

B.A. Psychology
June 2014
Minor: Sociology

Roman, Z. J., Schmidt, P., Miller, J. M., & Brandt, H. (In press). Identifying dynamic
shifts to non -compliant behavior in questionnaire responses; A novel approach and experimental
validation. Structural Equation Modeling.
Homan, S.*, Roman, Z. J., [and 18 others] (2022). Identifying distinct subgroups of suicidal
ideations: A pre-registered ecological momentary assessment study in psychiatric patients.
10.31234/osf.io/vt8uf [Pre-print available, under review]
Roman, Z. J., Brandt, H., & Miller, J. M. (2022). Automated bot detection using Bayesian
latent class models in online surveys. Frontiers in Psychology, 1947.
Bachmann D., Roman, Z. J., [and 12 others], (2022). Lifestyle affects amyloid burden and
cognition differently in men and women. Annals of Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ana.26417
Roman, Z. J. & Brandt, H. (2021). A latent auto-regressive approach for Bayesian structural
equation modeling of spatially or socially dependent data. Multivariate Behavioral Research,
1-25. https://doi.org/10.1080/00273171.2021.1957663
Ho, A. T., Roman, Z. J., & Wu, M. Y. (2021), Big Data Applications: Exploratory data analyt-
ics of public safety concerns. In Welch, E., (Ed.) Electronic Government Research Handbook.
IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781786437259
Knopf-Amelung, S., Brommelsiek, M., Peterson, J. A., Roman, Z. J., & Graybill, T. L. (2018).
Developing a measure for health professionals’ attitudes toward veterans. Journal of Nursing
Education and Practice, 8(7), 60-67. https://doi.org/10.5430/jnep.v8n7p60
Schneider, W. J., & Roman, Z. J. (2018). Fine-tuning cross-battery assessment procedures:
After follow-up testing, use all valid scores, cohesive or not. Journal of Psychoeducational
Assessment, 36(1), 34-54. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734282917722861
Mann, T. D., Hund, A. M., Hesson-McInnis, M. S., & Roman, Z. J. (2017). Pathways to school
readiness: Executive functioning predicts academic and social–emotional aspects of school
readiness. Mind, Brain, and Education, 11(1), 21-31. https://doi.org/10.1111/mbe.12134
Jadallah, M., Hund, A. M., Thayn, J., Studebaker, J. G., Roman, Z. J., & Kirby, E. (2017).
Integrating geospatial technologies in fifth-grade curriculum: Impact on spatial ability and
map-analysis skills. Journal of Geography, 116(4), 139-151.
Degree Milestone Manuscripts
Roman, Z. J. (2019). Auto-regressive latent variable modeling: A general framework for
Bayesian spatial structural equation models (Doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas).
Roman, Z. J. (2016). Optimizing cross-battery assessment procedures for reading-based
specific learning disorder diagnosis: A Monte Carlo study (Master’s thesis, Illinois State
University). http://doi.org/10.30707/ETD2016.Roman.Z
Roman, Z. J., Homan, S., [and 18 others], Longitudinal classification of un-anchored time
series; Applications applied to intensive longitudinal suicidal ideation momentary assessment
data. Invited Presenter, Machine Learning meets Quantitative Social Science. University of
Tuebingen, Germany.
Roman, Z. J. (2022). Spatio-temporal latent variable modeling with Stan. Invited Presenter,
StanConnect (Online). University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia
Roman, Z. J. (2022). Estimating neurological connectivity as a singular metric with spatial
auto-regressive effects. Invited Presenter, Methods of Plasticity Lab, University of Zurich.
Roman, Z. J. (2022). Spatio-Temporal latent variable modeling: Modeling Covid-19 Death as
a Spillover Process. Invited Presenter, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany.
Roman, Z. J. (2019). Web scraping and natural language processing of social media data.
Invited presenter for the University of Kansas graduate psychology field methods course,
Lawrence, KS.
Roman, Z. J. (2018). Cluster analysis and its applications to behavioral sciences. Guest presenter for the University of Kansas graduate psychology multivariate statistics course, Lawrence, KS
Roman, Z. J. (2018). Twitter scraping with R. Guest presenter for the University of Kansas
graduate psychology field methods course, Lawrence, KS.
Johnson, P. J., Kaplan, B., Sullivan M., Redmon, C., Roman, Z. J., Xing, C., & Huang, L. (2019). Stationery: Working examples for reproducible research documents. R package version https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=stationery. Templates, guides, and scripts for writing documents in ’LaTeX’ and ’R markdown’ to produce guides, slides, and reports.
Roman, Z. J. (2023). Bayesian auto-regressive dependence latent growth modeling; a
novel framework depicted with covid-19 data. Oral Presentation at the European
Association of Methodology (EAM) annual meeting, Ghent Bleguim.
Roman, Z. J., Miller J., Brandt, H.(2022). Automated bot detection in online surveys with
Bayesian latent class models. Symposium: Model based approaches to detecting item level
non-compliant response behavior, International Psychometric Society (IMPS) annual meeting,
Bologna, Italy.
Schmidt, P. W., Roman, Z. J., Miller, J. & Brandt, H. (2022, July). Experimental evidence for
a dynamic latent class model of non-compliance. Presentation at the International Meeting of
the Psychometric Society, Bologna, Italy
Roman, Z. J. (2021) An argument for explicitly modeling social dependence in the behavioral
sciences: Analysis of student popularity as a function of social networks using a Social net-
work Auto-regressive (SNAR) model. Presentation at the International Methodological and
Psychometric Society (IMPS) annual meeting, (online).
Roman, Z. J., & Brandt, H. (2021, March). A latent auto-regressive approach for Bayesian
structural equation modeling of spatially or socially dependent data. Presentation at the
(Digital) meeting of the Working Group on Structural Equation Modeling.
Roman, Z. J. & Brandt, H. (2020). Bayesian spatial and network autoregressive structural
equation modeling: A novel approach. Invited Spotlight Talk at the Virtual IMPS 2020.
Casteen, E.J., Punt, S.E. Roman, Z. J.*, & Ilardi, S.S. (2019). Summer and winter seasonal
depression: A structural equation model of symptomatology patterns. Poster presented at the
Western Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA. [*Supervised project methods]
Brandt, H., Roman, Z. J., Anderson, M., & Kelava, A. (2019, July). Identifying persons who
become inattentive: A dynamic modeling approach. Presentation at the IMPS 2019, Santiago,
Ho, A. T., Roman, Z. J., & Wu, M. Y., (2018) Comparing citizens’ concerns and values ex-
pressed in social media, citizen survey, and administrative data conference: IRSPM Annual
Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
Ivanisevic, M., Roman, Z. J., & Johnson, D. K. (2018). Subcomponent processes of executive
functions in older adults. Poster presented at the annual International Neuropsychological
Society 2018, New York, NY.
Roman, Z. J. & Brandt, H. (2018). The choice of chains: A simulation study investigating
chain specification and convergence in a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) analysis. Poster
presented at the VIII European Congress of Methodology in Jena, Germany.
Hund, A. M., Jadallah, M., Thayn, J. B., & Roman, Z. J. (2016). Using geographic information
systems to improve elementary student’s spatial skills. Poster presented at the Illinois State
University graduate student research symposium, Bloomington, IL.
Roman, Z. J., B.A., Hund, A. M., Jadallah, M., & Schloesser D.S. (2015). Measuring spatial
thinking: Is there a reliable and valid measure? Poster presented at the Cognitive Develop-
ment Society conference, Columbus, OH.
Roman, Z. J., Zobell, C., Richardson, Z., & Matheys, M. K. (2014). Smart cars an ethical
dilemma: drawing parallels with the classical trolly problem. Poster presented at the Illinois
State University graduate student research symposium, Bloomington, IL.
Gelling, J., (2024). Evaluating Biases in Conversational AI Systems.
Masters Thesis, University of Zurich (Co- supervised by,
Roman, Z.J., Urman, A., Hannak, A.)
Software Proficiency
- R
- Bash
- Python
- LaTeX
- Mplus
- Stan
- Open Bugs
Workshop instruction
Roman, Z. J. (2019). Reproducible research with R. A multiple day workshop sponsored by the University of Kansas Psychology Department, Lawrence, KS, USA.
Brandt, H., Roman, Z. J., & Anderson, M. (2018). Advanced topics in longitudinal data
analysis. One-day workshop at the Methods Center, University of Tuebingen, Germany.
Johnson, P. E., Roman, Z. J., Redmon, C., & Xing, C. (2018). Winter R workshop. A weekend statistics with R workshop hosted by the University of Kansas Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis (CRMDA).
Roman, Z. J., & Swanson, T. (2017). Fall into R workshop. A single day intensive workshop for faculty and graduate students hosted by the University of Kansas Psychology Department.
Johnson, P. E., Xing, C., & Roman, Z. J. (2017). Summer R stats camp 2017 – Structural
equation modeling week. A week long intensive statistics workshop ”camp” sponsored by the University of Kansas Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis (CRMDA).